01722 712761
Pitton Village Hall photo

Pre-school opens weekdays during school term time only. Sessions operate from 8am to 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and from 8am to 1.30pm on Friday.

The pre-school is in receipt of funding for the provision of free early years education for children aged two, three and four years.

The pre-school employs seven members of staff. Of these, one holds early years professional status, three hold relevant early years qualifications at level 3, one has a relevant early years qualification at level 2 and two are working towards their level 3 qualification.

Ofsted rated Outstanding

Pitton Pre-School offers an exciting, stimulating environment for your child.

We enjoy the benefits of a spacious indoor area, large outdoor play space and easy access to the open countryside. Outdoor play and indoor play are given equal importance, with most activities transferring easily between the two.

A child centred curriculum, and experienced staff, provide an environment that is stimulating, innovative and fun. We support children to develop high levels of self confidence and self-esteem, resulting in highly motivated, confident learners who are eager, enthusiastic and display high levels of concentration.

Pitton Pre-School has been recognised as an outstanding setting and our most recent Ofsted inspection from March 2024 confirmed this:
‘All children are deeply engrossed in their learning and play. Staff use children's play to engage them in an ambitious curriculum and help them sustain their concentration for long periods of time. Children want to read, write and count when they play. They continually practise important skills that will support their future learning. Children play shops while staff expertly model language, writing and counting.

Staff are highly effective at enhancing children's thinking skills. They delight in children's ideas and value their contributions.’

The Ofsted report is available to download here.

We believe that children learn well when they are happy and having fun. Through play-based activities we aim to provide an environment where all children will feel valued and secure. We encourage the children to actively participate in their own learning and foster an atmosphere where they will want to explore and learn more and where their natural creativity is nurtured. We actively encourage positive relationships where children have high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence, developing care and respect for themselves, others and their environment.

We also recognise that parents are the primary educators of children in their early years and hence believe that it is important that parents feel included and involved in their child’s learning and development at pre-school. We encourage strong parent / pre-school relationships where parents feel their contribution is valued.

Please email admin@pittonpreschool.com or phone 07785933966 for further information and to book a viewing.
Pitton Village Hall photo
Pre-school enjoys the use of the main Village Hall.
Pitton Village Hall photo
Social activies.
Pitton Village Hall photo
Outdoor garden and sand pits.
Pitton Village Hall photo
Ofsted rated Pitton Pre-school as Outstanding.